Telemedicine in Lamjung

For the very first time in Lamjung, Telemedicine Services have been established. This came to fruition when an agreement was signed between Dordi Rural Municipality (RM) and HDCS-Namuna Community Hospital (NCH) in Sundarbazar.
This service will help many people in remote Dordi RM who are unable to frequent the hospital due to old age, financial constraints, or mental health issues.
This service takes place every Monday where the patients who arrive at Dordi Health post log in a video call with doctors at NCH. At the community health post, the patients are then able to carry out their diagnostic tests such as sugar, blood and urine tests and x-rays. The doctors study these reports and provide the necessary treatment and counseling. The patients then purchase medicines from the nearest facility.
These services began on April 2nd, 2023 and will be provided every Monday through NCH.